Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara Missions

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And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14 It is our desire to encourage the church body to be involved in the great commission by providing opportunities to: Pray, Send or Go out into the world to be a missionary. Jesus has called us to Go into all the world and to make disciples. We believe every follower of Jesus has a responsibility to be involved with that command to Go. Not all are called to physically leave Santa Barbara - but all can be a part of making that happen. We are a small team that has been sent to Listowel, Ireland to encourage the Christian church and to make new believers.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Harvest!

Friday was our last day at camp – the finale to a week of excitement and expectation.  God blessed us with a wonderful sunny, warm day so much of it was spent outside when we could.  The parents were treated to the graduation session where the children got certificates and photos of their teams, as well as a gospel of John to get into the parent’s hands.  There were many wistful goodbyes and hopes for us to return next year.  We are confident that the true gospel went out this year – the depiction yesterday of Jesus death and resurrection was a very bold move, done with a narrated vignette showing man’s fall from innocence to sin and the separation that could only be bridged by Jesus’ sacrifice.  Many parents were there, and it was the type of thing that the children will remember in their hearts as they grow up.  We want so much for them to realize that they can have a personal relationship with the God of their faith, through Jesus Christ alone, and that He offers joy they can’t imagine!

The youth event Thursday night was incredible – about 70 people showed up on the beach on another beautiful night, and played games and ate food and heard the gospel.  Six young men prayed to receive Jesus – Hallelujah! - and hung around to get more of the fellowship they had seen that evening.  Tonight as I’m writing, they contacted our bunch and want to meet again at the beach, so a few of our older kids and younger adults have gone down to meet with them.  As mentioned above, today was a glorious warm day and this evening is no different, so they should have a wonderful time of getting to know each other more.

Andrea and Cherie also had the opportunity Thursday night to host about 7 of the women for coffee. Alexia was also quite the hostess and activities coordinator for the children who came along, organizing games for the boys, the Ukranian girls who had no English and the other girls.  The women had the opportunity to go around the circle and find out more about each other’s lives and we have such a deeper understanding of how to pray and support them as sisters in Christ.  It seems that while the Irish are reticent to share among themselves, it is easier for them to share with us, probably because we won’t be around getting into their business all year, but are willing to pray based on the knowledge we have of them, and they want us to get it right. J  We are hoping that the openness we have shown and the steps toward transparency that they have made will help them be more and more comfortable as a support to one another.

Again, your prayer support has meant so much to us this week and even prior to the trip.  You paved the way with your intercession and God has accomplished much.  Saturday Terry and his family leave for Arizona, and a couple others leave as well.  The very well-traveled group of 5 leave on Sunday and ask your prayers to get us all the way home on time, as we have to get to work on Monday.  And before then, we still have the women’s tea tomorrow night, the culmination of our week of spontaneous get-togethers and devotional that we introduced to them the first weekend.  Thank you for continuing in prayer!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Beautiful radiant day!

Today God blessed us with a radiant day - the sun was peeking through the clouds  or banishing them altogether for much of the morning and the children felt the excitement of both the weather and the message for today - "Prayer helps us stand strong".  It is such a joy to see the grins on little faces, and the enthusiasm of the crew leaders who are shepherding the campers this week.  After every day's activities are done and the children gone home, the music still plays in the meeting room and the team members continue dancing to the praise music and doing all the hand motions and steps that go with the songs - it is at the same time precious and hilarious!

Last night the men had their dinner with the men of the church and cooked tacos for about 40 people.  They talked for hours - iron sharpening iron was definitely going on there as the men shared openly with one another.  Drew and Tony came home well after 10:00 from cleaning up.

The women had invited about 5 of the church women for dinner at our cottage.  We had spaghetti and talked for several hours - just a relaxed evening to give them a break from having to cook at home and get some encouragement.  We ended up taking a long walk in the wind around the cliff walk, continuing our conversations.  What a blessed time of fellowship for both genders it was last night!

Today we had time for a well deserved rest - many of us napped in the afternoon and took care of shopping.  Cherie and Ericka had one visitor, Bridie, who came by and shared for almost 3 hours about her walk with Jesus -  that too was an amazing time of fellowship and precisely the focus of our women's ministry this year.

Thank you so much for your prayers this week.  We are feeling the support daily and can't do without it!  All those with health issues are feeling much better today and Terry's family is still working through the practical issues relying on God to provide guidance.  You are a part of our ministry in upholding us this way.

Tomorrow we have planned a youth outreach - we had to change venues and are doing it at the beach - pray especially for good weather.  If we can have another night like tonight it would be great!

P.S. Pray also for good sleep - it stays light until 11pm and we keep staying up to do more!!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We are not Destroyed!

Dear Friends,
We have known for a while that this team was in the crosshairs of the enemy, but had hoped we were ready to start accomplishing what God had planned for us.  But Sunday another blow was dealt when Terry found out that one of his extended family members had been killed while fighting a wildfire in Arizona.  Our hearts were heavy as we prayed and sought God's guidance for Terry as he determines what course of action will best reflect God's heart for both his family and the ministry here.

How do we face this type of circumstance?  Monday morning we sang "Stand strong, when life changes, stand strong through the ups and downs…God is in control".  We read that afternoon that we are to put on the whole armor of God, "to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Put on all of God's armor so that you would be able to stand firm against all the strategies of the devil.  For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places……then after the battle you will still be standing firm.  Stand your ground….."

We are standing our ground.  God has a plan…for Terry, for Mia and the kids, for Dave and Jane, for the rest of the team, for Listowel Christian Fellowship.  This church is positioned where they could be a significant influence for the kingdom, and perhaps this week is a pivotal point for that.  Members of the team are poised to do battle with either personal issues or for the ministry, and maybe that is another pivot point in where God has His sights set.  We don't know.  We can't see the future.  We may never find out the meaning behind this battle, but we DO know that it IS a battle for souls in some way.

We just got word that another member of the Granite Hotshots was the son of a missionary family - he had had the opportunity to share the Gospel with the entire team just a week ago for a couple of hours.  While we don't know the outcome of that, we are confident along with his parents, that we will someday meet some of those heroes in the kingdom!

Meanwhile, we have work to do.  The kid's camp has now finished two days, and we are seeing faces from last year and many new faces.  The children are eager for the Word and enthusiastic in their worship.  Many of them only hear the Truth here during the summer but they come back year after year and hear it again.  We want to be ready to usher them into the family of God when they are ready.  The men are meeting with the men from church tonight for a meal and fellowship time and the women have invited a few of the women at church for join us for dinner and sharing in hopefully the first of a few small groups.  We have relationships to nurture through these times in this now short week.

This morning Dave Brown shared with us from 2 Cor 4:8 - "we are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed - always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body."  That is where we are  - Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning, Great is Your faithfulness."

Enjoy these photos of what God is accomplishing in our work here!

The Lord makes me to lay down in green fields  
 My cup runs over!!!

 He comforts me in trouble! 
 Oh it good craic!! 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday in Ireland - Drew spoke at Listowel Christian Fellowship, the ladies met to kick off the week of fellowship devotions and the last of the team arrived - sans luggage again!
Both the message, the fellowship and the travel stories were amazing, and the reunion of the whole team at last was something to be savored.  With all the health issues, travel issues and logistics that have gone awry, we are more certain than ever that God has big plans for this week.  It may be for one person or for many, but He has something in mind that has taken all this to prepare us and others for His work.  How exciting is that?!?

One story that is actually fruit from last year's trip - Two of our team last year had the privilege of leading a woman in Doolin to Jesus and getting her in touch with the church in LaHinch.  Today we found out that that woman is on fire for the Lord and an active part of the fellowship in LaHinch all this last year.  That brought tears to our eyes to know the fruit ripened and is affecting more for the Kingdom!

 Let the festivities begin!
 Molly, Kristen, Kaitlyn and Joanne washing cups after tea time.
 Irina, a local, putting her skills to use! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Waging War!

We are thankful that a majority of the Ireland missions team has arrived safely despite some having experienced delayed flights, lost luggage and jet lag.  The remainder of the team is expected to arrive by late Saturday night.  

Today, we are excited to be back at the church at Listowel Christian Fellowship to assist with the prep work for next week's "Kingdom Rock" VBS.  We are blessed to have met and interact with another group from Minnesota (USA) that we will co-laboring alongside.  Although the weather here is gray and rainy at the moment, our spirits are not dampened.  We are encouraged to see how everything will come together for our time here that will also include a Youth Event, Men's Night and Women's Tea.

We are blessed by your hearts to encourage and support us in prayer.  We are amazed at right in the midst of all this, the enemy is waging war to take our focus off where it should be and throw us off track.  Right now, we ask for you to intercede for us in the following ways:

Please pray that the remainder of the team would arrive safe and without incident.

Please pray for team members who are sick; that they would be healed and back on their feet very soon.

As iron sharpens iron, pray that our hearts would be knitted together in unity.

That each member, youngest to the oldest, would know their purpose for being called on this trip.

Please pray that the gifts would be manifested for our time here.

Thank you!
Terry fellowshipping over lunch with our new friends from Minnesota  
Getting excited for "Kingdom Rock" VBS!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First morning in Ireland we got up early and walked through town praying for the outreach and the opportunity to share the gospel as we made our way to Listowel. God has provided amazing opportunities with various people here in Ireland. Please pray for the following: The Jewish Woman Bible teacher who heard the gospel and received a gospel of John. The Dive instructor staying at the same B&B, raised Catholic but not attending church thanked Rod for sharing with him the good news of salvation, received the gospel of John and gave Rod his business card. Margaret, the lost tour guide who approached Rod and I (two Americans) asking us for directions in Ireland - go figure. Using the theme of lostness we proceeded to share with her the gospel message. She had attended a Bible college in Minnesota but had never heard the gospel message of salvation by grace and that one can be assured of their salvation.  She thanked us as she left to attend to her tour group. Pray for Rachel who we met when we needed to purchase a phone in Limerick, Ireland. She received the gospel of John. This morning we had the opportunity to share, and pray for our B&B hostess in Cahir. She had been wronged in the church, lost in a works based religion and did not know that she could have assurance of salvation. We had the opportunity to share the gospel and pray for her. She did not receive Jesus, but is on the fence. Please pray for healing from the wrong and for her salvation. Her heart is soft and she was definitely touched by the prayer. Continue to pray for us, for opportunities, boldness to share the gospel. Thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mission Ireland 2013

God has provided another opportunity for our team to return to Ireland. We have 27 members on the team and we have been working diligently in preparations for the outreach. We will be in Listowel Ireland serving alongside a small church called Listowel Christian Fellowship. We will be putting on a week long VBS during the mornings. We have planned two evening outreaches for older youth.
The men and women on the team have planned events to come alongside the fellowship and to encourage them in their faith. Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel and see the miracle of salvation. Pray for open doors, new relationships and that a revival will happen. Out of a small town in Southern Ireland the gospel will spread. It i
s interesting to note that Listowel is known for its great literary history.

We have kept the pictures and posts from last year for those of you that are new to the blog and the work we have been doing in Listowel.
