Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara Missions

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And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14 It is our desire to encourage the church body to be involved in the great commission by providing opportunities to: Pray, Send or Go out into the world to be a missionary. Jesus has called us to Go into all the world and to make disciples. We believe every follower of Jesus has a responsibility to be involved with that command to Go. Not all are called to physically leave Santa Barbara - but all can be a part of making that happen. We are a small team that has been sent to Listowel, Ireland to encourage the Christian church and to make new believers.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Beautiful radiant day!

Today God blessed us with a radiant day - the sun was peeking through the clouds  or banishing them altogether for much of the morning and the children felt the excitement of both the weather and the message for today - "Prayer helps us stand strong".  It is such a joy to see the grins on little faces, and the enthusiasm of the crew leaders who are shepherding the campers this week.  After every day's activities are done and the children gone home, the music still plays in the meeting room and the team members continue dancing to the praise music and doing all the hand motions and steps that go with the songs - it is at the same time precious and hilarious!

Last night the men had their dinner with the men of the church and cooked tacos for about 40 people.  They talked for hours - iron sharpening iron was definitely going on there as the men shared openly with one another.  Drew and Tony came home well after 10:00 from cleaning up.

The women had invited about 5 of the church women for dinner at our cottage.  We had spaghetti and talked for several hours - just a relaxed evening to give them a break from having to cook at home and get some encouragement.  We ended up taking a long walk in the wind around the cliff walk, continuing our conversations.  What a blessed time of fellowship for both genders it was last night!

Today we had time for a well deserved rest - many of us napped in the afternoon and took care of shopping.  Cherie and Ericka had one visitor, Bridie, who came by and shared for almost 3 hours about her walk with Jesus -  that too was an amazing time of fellowship and precisely the focus of our women's ministry this year.

Thank you so much for your prayers this week.  We are feeling the support daily and can't do without it!  All those with health issues are feeling much better today and Terry's family is still working through the practical issues relying on God to provide guidance.  You are a part of our ministry in upholding us this way.

Tomorrow we have planned a youth outreach - we had to change venues and are doing it at the beach - pray especially for good weather.  If we can have another night like tonight it would be great!

P.S. Pray also for good sleep - it stays light until 11pm and we keep staying up to do more!!