God has provided another opportunity for our team to return to Ireland. We have 27 members on the team and we have been working diligently in preparations for the outreach. We will be in Listowel Ireland serving alongside a small church called Listowel Christian Fellowship. We will be putting on a week long VBS during the mornings. We have planned two evening outreaches for older youth.
The men and women on the team have planned events to come alongside the fellowship and to encourage them in their faith. Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel and see the miracle of salvation. Pray for open doors, new relationships and that a revival will happen. Out of a small town in Southern Ireland the gospel will spread. It i
s interesting to note that Listowel is known for its great literary history.
We have kept the pictures and posts from last year for those of you that are new to the blog and the work we have been doing in Listowel.