First morning in Ireland we got up early and walked through town praying for the outreach and the opportunity to share the gospel as we made our way to Listowel. God has provided amazing opportunities with various people here in Ireland. Please pray for the following: The Jewish Woman Bible teacher who heard the gospel and received a gospel of John. The Dive instructor staying at the same B&B, raised Catholic but not attending church thanked Rod for sharing with him the good news of salvation, received the gospel of John and gave Rod his business card. Margaret, the lost tour guide who approached Rod and I (two Americans) asking us for directions in Ireland - go figure. Using the theme of lostness we proceeded to share with her the gospel message. She had attended a Bible college in Minnesota but had never heard the gospel message of salvation by grace and that one can be assured of their salvation. She thanked us as she left to attend to her tour group. Pray for Rachel who we met when we needed to purchase a phone in Limerick, Ireland. She received the gospel of John. This morning we had the opportunity to share, and pray for our B&B hostess in Cahir. She had been wronged in the church, lost in a works based religion and did not know that she could have assurance of salvation. We had the opportunity to share the gospel and pray for her. She did not receive Jesus, but is on the fence. Please pray for healing from the wrong and for her salvation. Her heart is soft and she was definitely touched by the prayer. Continue to pray for us, for opportunities, boldness to share the gospel. Thank you for your prayers.