Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara Missions

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And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14 It is our desire to encourage the church body to be involved in the great commission by providing opportunities to: Pray, Send or Go out into the world to be a missionary. Jesus has called us to Go into all the world and to make disciples. We believe every follower of Jesus has a responsibility to be involved with that command to Go. Not all are called to physically leave Santa Barbara - but all can be a part of making that happen. We are a small team that has been sent to Listowel, Ireland to encourage the Christian church and to make new believers.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A productive work day

Cherie getting the shop signs ready to be painted
 Kaitlin helping to hang tarp 
 Alexia painting 
 Irina, a local, doing some finishing touches 
 Paster JP, Seth and Drew doing the heavy lifting and
 building the frames for the shops of Babylon 
Work is fun
Abigail, Irina, Patty and Heather getting tea ready
 Drew, Steve, Chris doing more framing
They really like bright colors in Ireland!

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