Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara Missions

My photo
And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14 It is our desire to encourage the church body to be involved in the great commission by providing opportunities to: Pray, Send or Go out into the world to be a missionary. Jesus has called us to Go into all the world and to make disciples. We believe every follower of Jesus has a responsibility to be involved with that command to Go. Not all are called to physically leave Santa Barbara - but all can be a part of making that happen. We are a small team that has been sent to Listowel, Ireland to encourage the Christian church and to make new believers.

Monday, June 25, 2012

First day on the Emerald Isle.

 The perils of "rush hour" (their sheepherder was a blue Mitsubishi and a lone sheep dog)
Sunset at 11:00PM over the Atlantic
 The Cliffs Moher 
Sunrise over our Cottages (think the houses in the movie "Truman Show"

Green finds it's way in even on the rocks of the Burren. The only place on earth where tropical and non-tropical plants grow together in the same place (this is where we found "no where." We decided Thelma & Louise would never braved this road trip alone without a guide. Dame Judy Dench (Cherie) and Maggie Smith (Heather) OH but we have a Guide...)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! My Irish blood is wishing I was there with you. We're all praying for God to do great things in and thru you in Erin. God bless you all.
